Combating Extremism At Home

Saturday 11 July 2009

Where does this belief that being tough on Muslim extremists foments further extremism come from? It's like saying to a career-burglar, okay, we'll go easy on you; here's a shedload of money for you so don't do it again. The burglar will simply go and buy a better jemmy or lock-picker.

Close down the mosques that preach hatred and radicalisation. Hunt the b*ggers down and if they're UK nationals, lock them up - for a long time. Stop throwing money at these organisations and pleading with them not to hurt us. Treason is treason and we're close to a state of unacknowledged civil war. Get Tough!

It doesn't wash to say that we're in Afghanistan to prevent terrorism in the UK; we must begin here, at home. This spineless government has more blood on its hands than we'll ever know and it's far too profligate with the lives of others.



2 Responses to “Combating Extremism At Home”
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JuliaM said...

"Where does this belief that being tough on Muslim extremists foments further extremism come from?"

From the same left-wing do-gooders that gave us multiculturalism in the first place!

11 July 2009 at 12:54

Exactly - and we're paying for it, here and in Afghanistan.

11 July 2009 at 13:31