An old hope...

Thursday 6 August 2009

Feel abused. Feel very abused.

After the awesome success in the UK dextrosphere and beyond of
Silly Week and Positive News Monday, some of us are setting aside a little time to post on Monday 10th August about some work of art, entertainment or culture that we think says something good about, or is an example or vital ingredient of, the fine and free society that the jokers have been ruining for a bare minimum of 12 years since last May.

Some would say longer.

Here at Voice of the Resistance we're all trying in our - ahem - diverse ways to show up, excoriate or just plain insult the plans and persons, motives and methods of those evil forces that we resist.

But what are we for; rather than against?

That's what we're looking to celebrate next Monday - the good culture in our great if troubled civilisation, which we variously want to conserve for the future and liberate now from the 'Righteous.'

Whether there's a movie that gets you right there as a symbol of freedom and integrity about old Albion and the rest of the West like
The Great Escape; or a novel about duty and limited government like Starship Troopers, or a song that says we won't get fooled again, if any Voice of the Resistance members and commenters wants to shout about it, or even just to link to the Amazon page for The 300, here's where it's at.

So far we have a magnificent seven (ish) with something good to say about Western Civilisation.

In the words of the King himself: Thank you. Thank you very much.



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