Drip, Drip, Drip

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Harry Cohen MP (Lab, Leyton & Wanstead) and top trougher has announced he'll be standing down at the next GE.

He'll be best remembered for saying: "I am almost certainly the most professional MP Leyton and Wanstead has ever had, and that includes Winston Churchill," thus proving that delusional thinking isn't confined only to the PM. Good riddance - but Go Now, let's have a bye-election instead of you hanging on with all your other mates collecting salaries, perks, allowances, transitioning payments, golden goodbyes and final salary pensions. Just Go.


2 Responses to “Drip, Drip, Drip”
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John M Ward said...

Agreed — though if the (now very strong) rumours of an October General Election turn out to be accurate, at least it'll be only a few more months before he goes, along with a number of others.

30 June 2009 at 16:31