Vote For Carswell

Wednesday 30 September 2009

The Spectator are running their annual Parliamentarian of the Year award, and asking for readers' nominations for this year's winner.

I propose we all vote en masse for Douglas Carswell, the MP for Harwich and Clacton, and co-author of The Plan. This is the man who managed to oust Speaker Martin, and has consistently pushed for a more Libertarian agenda within his own Conservative party.

I can think of no worthier winner amongst today's Parliamentarians, and a win for Carswell will send out a strong, clear message not just to the Conservative party that they must continue to take a more Libertarian approach to their policies if we are to really clean up Britain, it will also make sure the Left know the game is finally up.

We need men of good principle to be taking the lead in the fight against the powers of darkness in this country, and Douglas Carswell is one such man.

Vote for Carswell here - and please post this on your own blogs. Let's send that message!


2 Responses to “Vote For Carswell”
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John M Ward said...

I have voted (earlier this afternoon) and am thinking of a way to word my own post, as I think it will help to mention my impression of him when he came to one of our social functions here, a while back.

30 September 2009 at 18:46